What To Look For In Children

Am I Overlooking my Child's Spinal Health?

Given the speed at which infants and children grow and develop and given the numerous possible injuries they may encounter, it is vitally important to evaluate the spine and nervous system during these early years. Just like adults, the signs of vertebral subluxation are present if you know what to look for.

Answering 'Yes' to any of the following questions would suggest spinal compromise is present.

Was your labor prolonged or difficult? Was your child's delivery traumatic? Were forceps or suction used? Did the doctor apply any twisting or pulling force to your baby's head to "help him/her out"? Was your child delivered by cesarean section? The delicate newborn neck can be easily damaged, even with what seems like minimal force.

Has your child ever fallen off the bed, changing table, furniture, a bike, monkey bars, down stairs, or been involved in a car accident? The trauma from these types of injuries can create vertebral subluxation.

Has your child experienced colic, irritability, reflux, multiple and/or recurrrent colds/flus/infections, "growing pains", hyperactivity? Has your child been diagnosed with torticollis, asthma or another chronic illness? These are all signs of a body that is not functioning optimally.

Have you been told that your child is developmentally delayed or has challenges such as ADD, ADHD, PDD, Autism? Does your child seem to have trouble concentrating or paying attention? Vertebral subluxation affects brain health.

Does your child seem to trip and fall often or appear clumsy? Does s/he seem "stiff" when crawling or walking? Do the feet turn in or out? Vertebral subluxation leads to a "locked up" spine. Uneven leg length can affect a child's balance.

Has your child been told s/he has uneven leg length, scoliosis, or poor posture? Does your child have a "lazy eye" or pupils that are not equally centered in each eye? Subluxation interferes with muscle tone throughout the entire body. Subluxation can twist and shift the spine out of its' correct vertical position.

Examine the last 10 photos of your child. Does s/he favor one head position? Does his/her head appear to tilt off to one side? Are the shoulders unlevel? Head tilt is a common sign of upper neck subluxaton.

Does your child look pale, have dark circles beneath his/her eyes, sleep poorly? Vertebral subluxation affects blood flow to the head, including the face, and can interfere with our sleep cycles.

Please contact the office at 434-817-7788 to discuss your child's health and learn how the NUCCA Procedure can help.

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