Corporate Wellness Program

Keeping Your Workplace Well.

Just as we see the overall health and relationships improve in families who enjoy NUCCA care together, so too can we see workplace wellness, morale, and productivity improve.

A study by the American Institute for Preventative Medicine found 62% of companies, ranging from small to large, offer some type of wellness program. A comprehensive wellness program provides for both psychological and physical health resources. Employers are recognizing the benefit of assisting employees with preventative health care tools that facilitate improved self-care and self-responsibility. The assumption of responsibility for personal health is slowly shifting to the employee, where it should be.

While most employee-based wellness programs are attempting to encourage wellness by educating on healthier eating habits, offering on-site exercise facilities or reciprocal gym memberships, smoking cessation programs and the like, this is only reaching a part of the needs people have to achieve and maintain wellness.

A 20-year trend in healthcare in general has shown a shift from the treating of symptoms to that of avoiding cause through prevention. This shift in approach is also being seen in corporate wellness programs.

An Italian study of 17,142 chiropractic patients from 17 clinics showed that employees under chiropractic care had 55-75% fewer absences from work. The study concluded: " A most meaningful indicator of the effectiveness of chiropractic is the improvement it produces in the quality of life, not only because of its curative effect but also thanks to its preventative and rehabilitative functions ".*

Our Corporate Wellness Program is designed to optimize the function of each employee by removing the Atlas Subluxation Complex (ASC). The ASC affects all aspects of a person's life--from quality of health to mental clarity to physical capabilities. We find that people under NUCCA care report fewer incidences of headaches and back pain, fewer illnesses, improved clarity of thought, and increased energy. This translates into fewer missed days of work and increased productivity. This improves personal morale, employee relations, and may increase overall job satisfaction.

For more information or to have Dr. Mike come and speak to your employer, HR Manager, or staff, please contact us at 434-817-7788 or email to [email protected] .

*Chiropractic-Therapeutical effectiveness-Social importance. Incidence of Absence from work and Hospitalization. Survey on a Sample of 17, 142 patients. Italy, 1987, Professor F. Splendori.

**Portions of this article are taken and summarized from an article submitted by Thomas M. Miller, III, MS, Supervisor, UVA_Work-Med and Ceci Rumsey, Wellness LPN, UVA WorkMed. Obtained online.

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